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The Easy Way to Let Air Out of Your Tires

Nowadays, maintaining air pressure by blowing air out of tires is something that more and more people know about and can learn to do for themselves to have a better driving experience. A tire that is not too tight will not lead to hard and brittle phenomena, does not cause shock when driving, and does not cause the car to vibrate too much when moving. So what’s the simplest way to let the air out of a tire?

The simplest way you can use it is to use a thin, blunt tool to press into the thin metal pin inside the valve body. However, this action requires some care as the tire can puncture or affect the wheel. To avoid this, we need to measure the tire’s air pressure before and after the exhaust.

Why might you need to let the air out of your tires?

The most common reason you need to let the air out of your tires quickly is over-inflating caused by various situations. You accidentally overinflated, or you think a hard tire will help increase the fuel economy. Moreover, some external influences also change the air pressure in the tires; for example, in the warm season, the air volume takes up more.

Related post: All Questions About Tires For Ford Explorer

Heat-induced over-inflated tire

The surface area will expand more because the heat causes the molecules to collide. It usually happens in warmer seasons, and this phenomenon will not affect your tires. In addition, contact between the rubber and the road surface, especially at high speeds, can increase the temperature of the air molecules inside the tire.

“Over-inflated tire improves fuel economy” myth

The belief in this myth has been disproved by numerous tests, which you can verify for yourself online by watching the videos or detailed articles here. The point here is that the benefits of driving with an over-inflated tire outweigh the handling and control of damage and unnecessary wear.

Wheel/Tire Replacement

According to the standard procedure, for the wheel/tire to work properly, you need to completely deflate the tire when you change the tire or wheel to upgrade or replace it.

The vehicle is stuck in the mud or sand

Due to the extra legroom and the self-adjusting ability to increase the surface area, the tire will not sink as deeply and can help you get out of the jam quickly. The recommendation is to let out at least 15 psi of air, and if you’re lucky, you’ll get out quickly.

How can we the air out of tires to fully deflate them

The simple way to get all the air out of your tires is to remove the metal pin in the stem valve. However, you need to raise the vehicle to avoid damage from deflated tires and redistribute the vehicle’s weight.

Tools to use

  • Lift jacks and jack stands
  • Needle-nose pliers

Lift your car

Some irreparable damage can happen to tires and other mechanical parts such as wheels and discs when you perform a complete deflation of the tires while they are suspended in the air.

To perform a lift on your car, you first need to locate your vehicle’s jack points, which are the hardest in your vehicle’s underbody. These points are located on either side of your vehicle, specifically behind the front tire and in front of the rear tire. Place the jacks below the points you just identified, then proceed to raise the vehicle until you can slide the jack holder to all the corners. Once done, you can slowly release the jacks and remove them so that the vehicle is placed securely and independently of the mount.

Find the valve stem

Ensure the valve stem holding the metal pin is not screwed to prevent all air from escaping. This stem is usually placed between the spokes; it protrudes from the inner rim of the wheel.

Remove the cap covering the valve stem

The valve stem cover is made of plastic, rubber, or metal, which works to prevent dirt from entering the valve. Rotate it counterclockwise until you see the metal pin to remove this cover.

Extract the metal pin

When the metal pin is removed, the tire will deflate faster because all the air is released simultaneously. Remove this pin by lifting it with needle-nose pliers, then turn it counterclockwise.

Screw the metal pin back to the valve in the correct position

When the air has completely escaped from the tire, screw the valve back on to avoid misplacing.

How can we the air out of tires to the recommended air pressure

When the tire is overinflated, and you only need to release a small amount of air pressure to get the tire at the recommended level, you do not need to follow the lifting instructions above. Wanting to blow the air out of the tires so that the tires are at the recommended air pressure is quite easy. You only need a gauge to measure the tire pressure, an air compressor or inflator, and a tool that is long and blunt to do this job safely and accurately.

Tools to use

  • Tire pressure gauge
  • Screwdriver or any thin, long blunt tool
  • Air compressor or inflator

Find the valve stem

First, like the instructions above, you need to locate the valve stem, which is usually between the spokes of your wheel.

Better yet, if the valve is positioned at the bottom or on the lower sides, you can do the rest of the steps easily. Therefore, if you can, you should move the vehicle forward or backward slightly to set the valve in the desired position.

Remove the cap to see the metal pin

To remove the cap, do a counterclockwise rotation. You can see the metal valve after removing the cap, which includes a metal pin inside, which is used to regulate the air pressure.

Check the air pressure

You use a tire pressure gauge and attach the gauge to the metal valve to check the air pressure. No matter what gauge you use, results can be displayed in pounds per square inch or PSI. After the measurement is complete, compare the result with the recommended air pressure. This recommendation is usually listed on a sticker inside the driver’s door frame in new cars. If not, the vehicle owner’s manual also has the tire specifications, and you can find them there.

Note: To achieve the expected results, you need to let the tire cool first before taking a PSI measurement because the air expands when warm.

Press the metal pin using a suitable tool

The most common tool is a good old Phillips head screwdriver; it is thin, long, and blunt. Its long neck is suitable for entering hard-to-reach valve parts more quickly, and it also has a sharp point to prevent damage to the valve. You can also use any similar tool. You hear a hissing sound when the air comes out of the tire. Now, be careful not to apply too much force while pressing the pin, as you may slide the tool. It can make scratches or punctures to your tires or wheels.

Lift the tool away from the metal pin

Depressing the metal pin takes a few seconds, so lift the tool off of the metal pin to avoid complete deflation after a while.

Have the air pressure checked again

After venting the tire, you need to check how much air has been lost by re-attaching the tire pressure gauge. If you’ve let out too much air, don’t worry, you can re-inflate it using an air compressor or inflator until the recommended PSI is reached.

What we need reminders when letting the air out of tires

Firmly set the metal pin aside when unplugging.

When performing air venting from the tire, the metal pin needs to be fixed separately. Remember that you can not re-inflate the tire without this metal pin. You can replace it cheaply, but it will take you a long time to order.

The body valve cover also needs to do the same. Although the lack of a stem valve cap does not significantly affect air release, a build-up of dirt can damage the entire tire valve and possibly cause a leak.

Read more at: Ford Explorer’s Best Tires

Let the tires cool first before checking the tire pressure

When you realize something is amiss, it’s good that you act promptly. However, it would help if you let the tires cool down a bit. This is essential because the particles inside your tires expand when the air is warm, which can lead to incorrect readings during pressure readings. As a general rule, if the outside temperature is also high, leave it on for at least an hour.


It’s relatively easy to make tire adjustments to let the air out when you have the right tools on hand to do an accurate inspection and do the job faster.